The Czech movie called “Kraska v nesnazich” (“Beauty in trouble”) is definitely NOT in trouble. Starting June 13th it will be shown in a number of movie theaters all over US, starting in New York (Angelika in Greenwich Village) and the Landmark Theatre in Washington. Depending on the success (or no success) the story will receive there it will travel to other places in the United States. The reason why is this movie already so close to the American viewers’ hearts is because of two reasons: 1/ the movie did great at the 2 prominent US Film Festivals – one in Denver (CO) and the other one in Santa Barbara (CA) and 2/ the American public is already in love with Ana Gaislerova from the former role in yet another great Czech movie Zelary
More “brownie points” will hopefully come from the fact that the soundtrack of Kraska v nesnazich will feature the music of the Oscar-winning couple Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, including their debut song Falling Slowly. So let us hope and pray that the movie will be a success and that it comes to the movie theaters in our neighborhood as well!
CZ: Novy snimek rezisera Jana Hrebejka a scenaristy Petra Jachovskeho “Kraska v nesnazich” vubec v nesnazich neni, prave naopak! Prichazi totiz 13. cervna do americkych kin, a to nejdrive do New Yorku a Washingtonu. Podle toho, jak tam film uspeje se pak bude promitat v dalsich kinech po celych Spojenych Statech. Proc zrovna tento film upoutal pozornost americanu? Z par duvodu: jednak sklidil obrovsky uspech na filmovych festivalech v Denveru a Santa Barbare, a jednak americti divaci jiz znaji – a obdivuji – Anu Gaislerovou z dalsiho uspesneho ceskeho filmu “Zelary“. Doufejme, ze jim take pomuze to, ze hudba k tomuto snimku byla vytvorena z velke casti oskarovym pareckem Hansardem a Irglovou, vcetne jejich debutove pisne “Falling Slowly”.
This was such a wonderful movie! I think we’ll watch it tonight 🙂
I love Czech movies.. I just don’t like their endings. Heh
I still got to rent that one…I guess the critics say that it wasn’t as good as the other movies made by the same director (like “Divided we fall”).
Why don’t you like the Czech endings? Are they too sad for you? I agree, lot of Czech movies are depressing….not exactly the American type of movie ending 🙂
Oh yea Czech endings are way too sad for me. They end too realistically, which my hubby says is how it should be. Endings shouldn’t be predictable.
I keep telling him that sometimes I watch movies to escape from my own life, so I want a little hope in endings, the proverbial happy ever after. 🙂
Divided We Fall was wonderful.. and I also enjoyed Zelary. So far though.. my favourite Czech movie is Kolya with Fireman’s Ball a close 2nd.
Whats yours?
I really like Kolya too…that kid is soo good! But I would have to say that my favorite movies come from the commie times, most of the kid’s fairy tales, also “Arabela”, “Rodinka”, “Jak utopit dr. Mracka”….most old comedies.
The current Czech movies seem to be about the same topics like sex, money….and then more sex and money…it gets old after a while. Plus I think that they get too vulgar which is just not cool for me. You can make a great movie without having a sex scene ever 5 minutes.