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Are Czechs racists? / Jsou Cesi raciste?

statistics yahoo image89% of young Czechs believe that Czech Republic has discrimination issues. According to the Ipsos Tandor statistical poll 75% of these people thinks that Czech nation discriminates mostly against race, where as 43% of them also think that women are discriminated against as well. The article doesn’ t go into the race discrimination issue at all, which is a shame because I would like to know more about it. But it sure goes on and on about the discrimination of women:

  • 52% thought women are not being treated fairly at the work place
    • maternity leave becomes a problem
    • lower salary

13% of these voters also believe in discrimination against age, where young people get hired much easier than the older folks.

The poll also reveals that man still have more traditional views compared to women when it comes to family. About half of the asked men think of themselves as main bread winners and they don’t want to stay home with the kids (I don’t blame them). Women on the other hand believe in “fair play”.

The Ipros Tandor poll asked 1539 young Czechs in the ages of 15 to 29 years of age.

CZ: 89% ceske mladeze je presvedceno, ze Cesko ma problem s diskriminaci. Pruzkum spolecnosti Ipsos Tandor ukazuje, ze 75% techto ucastniku si mysli, ze nejvestim duvodem diskriminace je rasa ( clanek vic o tomto problemu nemluvi, coz je skoda). Na druhem miste se umistila diskriminace diky pohlavi, o cem je presvedceno 36% tazanych. Zeny jsou pry nejvice diskriminovany v zamestnani, a to zejmena kvuli odchodu na materskou dovolenou, ale take kvuli platove situaci. 13% ucastniku si take mysli, ze mladi lide sezenou praci mnohem snadneji. Pruzkum se zameril take na tradicni model rodiny, kde kolem poloviny tazanych muzu dava prednost tradicnimu modelu – muzi se tedy citi jako hlavni zivitele rodiny a nechteji zustat z detmi doma (to se jim nedivim). Zeny na druhou stranu veri ve “fair play”.

Pruzkumu se zucastnilo 1539 mladych Cechu ve veku 15 az 29 let.


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5 comments… add one
  • Sue June 2, 2008, 12:48 am

    Do you think the discrimination is against gypsies and not black people? Most of the Czechs I’ve met have had no problem with black people, but they do with anyone who looks remotely gyspy-like.

  • Tanja June 2, 2008, 2:54 pm

    Hi Sue,

    I think it is both; I but I would not call it racism. During communism there were no black people or really, any other ethnicity except us, the white people. After 1989 the borders opened up and the Czech Republic became all of a sudden kind of a melting pot to which Czechs had to get used to. It was just the “fear” of the unknown, I think. But now the situation seems to be back to normal (but then again, I don’t live there anymore).
    Gypsies are a different story; a lot of people have negative experiences with them; they are the true Bohemians meaning that a lot of them don’t work, their kids don’t go to school, each family has about 20 kids and they all live in one apartment….and can create tension in the society. I have to say one think though, they are great musician (as I said, they are the true Bohemians). What do you think?

  • Sue June 2, 2008, 11:35 pm

    I do see why Czechs are so discriminate against Gypsies, but you’re right, I don’t think thats racial discrimination. Hell, as a visitor I’ve had negative experience with Gypsies… I told one girl I’d be more than happy to meet her around the back of Hypernova and show her how American girls fight. 🙂
    I just haven’t met any Czechs who are discriminate against blacks, but I have met a lot of guys who are misogynistic. They’re also very single. 🙂

  • Tanja June 3, 2008, 4:42 pm

    That’s funny! Good for you!
    And no, I don’t think Czechs are discriminating against blacks either.
    I think that it’s so interesting to see the new generation of kids: some of them are Asian and speak Czech!! (the offspring of the Vietnamese immigrants) some of them are half-black…It’s cool and crazy at the same time!

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