I was flipping the channels last night and guess who appeared on the screen: Vaclav Klaus! The C-span channel had him as a speaker to promote his new book called the “Blue Planet in Green Shackles” (see the whole speech by clicking here). Besides focusing on the environmental issues during his current visit to the US he is also going to meet with the vice-president Dick Chaney with whom he will be discussing the hot topic of Anti-missile radar base. Klaus is flying back home on Thursday afternoon.
PS: if you do go on the c-span website to see the whole speech you have to scroll down and click on the “Luncheon with Pres. Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic (May 27, 2008)
CZ: Tak jsem vcera zapla televizi a hadejte, kdo se objevil na obrazovce? Klaus! Hovoril na C-spanu o sve nove knize “Modra, nikoli zelena planeta” – a to v Anglictine! Zadneho prekladatele nemel…V ramci jeho navstevy do Spojenych Statu se take setka s viceprezidentem Dickem Chaneym, kde budou diskutovat o dnes velmi zhavem tematu radarove zakladny v Cechach. Klaus odleta zpet do Prahy ve ctvrtek odpoledne.
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