The Czech press calls her a modern-style Popelka (Cinderella). The American media love her for her pure, honest and meek personality. Marketa Irglova is a 19-year old country girl from Moravia who was chosen to sing together with her boyfriend Glen at the Oscars 2008 next week. She didn’t have to wait for the Hollywood spotlights for long; last year her and her Irish boyfriend made a low-budget but awesome movie called Once
. Not only they play the main part but the soundtrack was also writen and sang by them. The movie signature song “Falling Slowly” became very popular in no time (see YouTube bellow).
Its fame reached even the Hollywood land and it got nominated for the “Best Film Music” category at the Oscars. Will it happen for them? We will just have to wait and see….One thing is for sure. The Hollywood lifestyle does not seem too glamorous to Marketa who says that this whole experience is more of an adventure then a carrier. She is looking forward to finishing her school and take some time off after this whole “humbug” is over. When asked what was it that Marketa missed the most? “Her own bed and some serenity”.
If you would like to add a good Czech flick to your movie collection, here it is:
CZ: Ceska media ji nazyvaji Popelkou. Americky press ji miluje pro jeji tichou a nevinnou osobnost. Marketa Irglova je 19-ti leta holka z Moravy, ktera byla vybrana, aby pristi tyden zpivala spolu se svym parterem Glenem behem predavani Oskaru. Opravdu na Hollywoodskou slavu nemusela cekat dlouho: neni tomu ani rok co se svym irskym pritelem natocili film za par babek, kde nejenze si zahrali hlavni roli, ale take slozili a nazpivali jeho hudbu. Jedna z pisnicek “Falling Slowly” (viz. nize uvedeneYouTube video) se stala tak popularni, ze byla take nominovana na Oskara v kategorii “nejlepsi filmova hudba”. Ze by se jim podarilo Oskara vyhrat? Doufejme, ze ano. Jedno je ale jiste: Marketa se v jednim ze svych rozhovoru s tiskem novinarum sverila, ze tuto Hollywoodskou zusenost povazuje spise za dobrodruzstvi nez karieru. Uz se tesi, ze az bude po vsem, tak konecne dokonci v Cechach skolu a take si udela na nejaky cas prazdniny. Nejvice se ji pry styska po klidu a sve vlastni posteli.
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The American media love her for her purity, honesty and humility because they detect that it’s real. America has become encrusted with so much media sex, violence and unabashed self aggrandizement. that Ms. Irglova performance and personality presents such a stark contrast. Her valiant virtue is like a little candlelight shining in a vast darkness. May the power of her purity reach and purge billions of hearts internationally.
I agree and hopefully she is not going to loose her humility/purity during the Hollywood process….or her Irish boyfriend.
Does anyone know how did she ended up in Ireland?
What a story though! I hope they get the Oscar!
I am a fan of M. Irglova. In my opinion, it does not matter whether she wins Oscar or not. These days, winning Oscar does not mean as much as it used to. We know she is good, she will pick up more awards. She should not lose any of her good qualities because of a stint in Hollywood.
I am looking forward to seeing her on the 28th! Hopefully everything will go smooth for her! And…Hodne stesti!!