Have you decided who would you like to be the future president of the Czech Republic? Svejnar or Klaus? Are you still undecided? When the lidovky.cz survey asked people who would they pick to be a new Czech president, these were the results:
- 921 voted for Klaus
- 524 voted for Svejnar
If you would like to read a recent interview with Jan Svejnar, click here.
Uz jste se rozhodli, koho chcete za noveho prezidenta Ceske republiky? Klauze nebo Svejnara? Nebo stale jeste nevite? Anketa Lidovych novin ukazuje, ze 921 lidi by volilo Klause a 524 lidi je pro Svejnara. Jestli si chcete precist nedavny rozhovor s Janem Svejnarem, kliknete zde.
Source: http://www.lidovky.cz/ln-prezident.asp
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