The swapped babies story (see the post from October 10th) made such a ripple even throughout the United States that one of the biggest radio talk show hosts in the country, Denis Prager, decided to dedicate nearly a whole show to it. He raises interesting questions about the ethics of it all such as -at what point does it become wrong to return the child back to it’s ‘biological’ mother? Or at what point in time does the bond with the child you raised become stronger than the ties of blood? 1 year old? 3 years old? The two Czech couples (who both raised the ‘wrong’ child for 10 months) had to make some difficult decisions….
Anyhow, here is the podcast of Prager’s show. Please, fast forward to the 14th minute – that’s where he starts talking about this topic!
CZ: Nestastna prihoda o prohozenych miminkach ve meste Trebic se stala tak popularni, ze se o ni zajima i jedna z nepopularnejsich radiovych poradu a to “talkshow of Denis Preger”. Tak ho ten pribeh zaujal, ze se rozhodl venovat tomu jeden cely vysilaci segment. Rozjima tam nad velmi tezkymi moralnimi otazkami, jako kdy by se miminko melo vratit svemu biologickemu rodici: kdyz je mu 1 rok? A co kdyz je ditkum 5 let?? Porad byste si je chteli vymnenit?? Mate li zajem si to poslechnout, kliknete na tento link (zacina to az na 14-te minute!!):
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