Sign-up for this blog via E-MAIL and receive a full-on professional PDF report called the “Survival Manual for Czechs/Slovaks living abroad”!! Because you simply just cannot survive without it…..
This may not be the greatest thing EVER but it’s still pretty darn cool. It’s called a ‘reader’ or an RSS feed. Do you still not know what that is? Are you confused? Perplexed? Well, that no longer needs to be the case…
What a reader can do for you is this- Do you have a bunch of websites you check everyday? And everyday you click on each one, wait for it to load, look for something interesting, blah, blah blah… Well what a reader does is provide a way for updated content from your favorite websites to come to you. What we use here at the Czechmatediary empire is a Google reader so that is what we suggest you use as well. Here is a brief video that explains it for you…
So, for all you lovely peoples that love Czechmatediary and whom we also love and want to share Czech love with everyday, sign up for Google reader (or any reader really…) and add us to your reader! Subscribe! Help Bohemian power rise up once again and rule the world!!!!!
If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!
Ahoj Tanja,
How are you?? Can i just say what a brilliant blog???!!!
Thanks for your email last week, have been reading your website since then 😉
Was trying to find the “Survival Manual for Czechs and Slovaks living abroad” but not sure where it is…is it possible to send me the link???
Have a great Easter and good luck with your website!
Veselu Velku Noc praje
ahoj tanja,
tak ja som tak surfovala po nete a narazila na tvoju stranku ked som hladala recept na kure na paprice :).Len som ti chcela nechat odkaz ze sa mi tvoj bolg velmi paci, a je super ze si nieco take vytvorila, hlavne pre vsetkych ludi co zijeme daleko od domova :).
Ahoj Mario,
mockrat dekuju! Jsem rada,ze se ti blog libi. Taky jsem si rikala, ze tu pro nas “vyhnalce” neco takoveho potrebujeme!! Doufam, ze ti bude kure na papricce chutnat :-))
Ahoj Tanja!
I love your blog! My husband is Czech and I’m Asian American. I actually found your site by accident because I was looking for good authentic Czech recipes to cook for my husband. I only mastered one recipe that was passed to me from his mother in CZ (Svickova!) and I needed more recipes to make him feel more at home.. He really loved the Chicken Paprika and especially the kolaches I made (Thanks to your recipes posted!!) Thank you so much for the guide, too. I am learning a lot.
Ahoj Anh!
Thank yo so much! I am glad you find my recipes “user-friendly” – that’s what I wanted.
And good job with those kolache recipe, that’s probably the hardest thing to make. If you can do that, you can do anything! Since your husband likes sweets (lot of guys don’t) I suggest you also try the Fruit Dumplings…my favorite….let me know how it went!
I stumbled across your site and smiled. I just returned from a week in Praha and well… felt like I left a big chunk of my heart in that city. I went there to get a taste of my heritage… my mom’s side of the family is Czech (originally from down near Brno though) I can say this… your country and the people there are amazing! I am already planning my next trip there!
Hi Bill,
then this website is perfect for you! I am glad you like us (the Czechs)! We are pretty cool I have to say..;)
Hi Tanja!
I stumbled across your blog while searching for Czech language schools in Prague. I love what I have read so far, and thought I would ask if you could recommend any great Czech language schools?
Thank you for your time!
ahoj Tanja,
moje prvni poznamka, no nevim. tak abych se predstavil, jmenuji se Josef, uz ziju v zahranici od 1968, (tojsem starec)od 1970 ziju v Jizni Africe, ozenil jsem se tady, mame dva syny, 31 a 37, oba jsou zenaty, a mame vnucku. to jsem mel slzy v ocich kdyz jsem cet ty recepty na vanocni cucrovi, vpominky na domov a moje rodice. otec zemrel v 1983, mamonka jeste zije, je ji ted 87. rozhodne budu tu tvoji webside navstivovat. prosim pekne promin moje chyby v cestine. zatim ahoj, Josef
Ahoj Josefe! No jo, ono se to nezda, ale od 68 uplynulo hodne let, vid? A maminka zije jeste v Cechach? Jezdis casto do Cech?
To jsem rada, ze jsem ti prinesla kousek ceskeho domova do Jizni Afriky 🙂
Vitej na palube!!
Halo pratele, zil jsem dlouha leta v Michigenu jako novinar a meli jsme tam take jednou rocne ceske
slavnosti z veprovou a knedlikem, buchticky a kolacky. Pokud nekdo z Vas touzi po dobrych ceskych
receptech, tak se u mne ohlaste. Muzu take v Cechach obstarat potrebne publikace. Bydlime jenom kousek od Domazlic, kam casto jezdime pro szegedinsky gulas. Moje dcera zije po mnoha let u Detroitu
a je uz davno americanka a rada furt vari ceska jidla a musim ji posilat casto novinky co jeste nezna.
Tak se tesim ze mate take v San Diego nase slavnosti. Nas vnuk tam zije take a je computer spacialist
u Navy.
Tak se vsichni mejte dobre a radujte se z pekneho pocasi. Srdecne zdravi Mader
Doubry Den. Ja jsem American kdo se ucil cesky v 1969 a mi prvni zena byla ceska. Jeste mluvi s nim. Ale zpominalu moc cecky a to bude velmi dobre ze tento blog existuje a ja muzu koukat a jeste se ucit. Ja mam moc rad ceske jidlo a ja kourim knedliky moc casto. Dekuji na informace. A vesele vanoce!
zdravim všechny rodáky
momentalně jsem služebně v Mooresville, NC 28117
asi do poloviny března 2015 elektrikář
a hledam čechy zde žijicí ,nejsem žádné třeštidlo je mi přes 40 let
a třeba hledám babtistický kostel ke vzhednutí apod.jiných normalních věcí
jak tu žijou krajani,popovídat si apod.
dík za odpověd