Czech Centre in New York is having an exhibition called “Meet contemporary Czech design”. It opens at the beginning of June and will run through September 12th throughout the different locations in Manhattan. Different Czech designer groups such as Prague studio Symbio will present product design, graphic design, decorative accessories, furniture, glass and jewelry. The show will also have a lecture on Czech design as a whole. The director of the Czech Center, Monica Koblerova explains the purpose of this event: “We want to show that we have great designers who can easily match up with the world’s top designer trends”. For detailed schedule of this exhibit visit
CZ: New Yorkske Ceske Centrum porada exhibici zvanou “Meet contemporary Czech design”. Od zacatku cervna do 12. zari bude mit New Yorkske publikum moznost tuto vystavu v ruznych castech Manhattanu shlednout. Ruzne umelecko-vytvarne skupiny jako je prazske studio Symbio zde presentuji nabytek, elektronicke pristroje, osvetleni, sperky a dekorativni predmety ze skla. Program take obsahuje prednasku o ceske designerovske tvorbe. Direktorka Ceskeho Centa, Monika Koblerova, dodava: ” Chceme ukazat, ze mame skvele designery dobre srovnatelne se svetovou konkurenci”. Pro vice podrobny program teto vystavy navstivte
Manthattan welcomes Czech designers / Manhattan vita ceske navrhare
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