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Another classic Czech recipe: Dalamanky bread rolls / Dalsi tradicni cesky recept: Dalamanky

A big part of Czech bakery cuisine are these awesome bread rolls called Dalamanky. I could not find the origin of them other than that the word is closely related to the Turkish district/city of Dalaman. Not sure why. Does anyone know?

Either way, they are delicious, hardy and as it turns out, easy to make. This recipe comes from an original Czech recipe found here (click here). I changed the metric units into the American units and I also messed with the flour prescriptions. Of course, I kept the rye flour but I substituted any other flour with a regular pastry flour and that’s because I did not have any other on hand. Also, I thought it would be better for this recipe since it has more gluten and the dough will be more stretchy that way.

My dalamanky turned out very well, a bit too hardy but they softened up greatly once I toasted them a bit.

Ingredients / Suroviny:

total of 5 dalamanky

  • 3/4 cup of water  [170 ml (g) vody]
  • 3 Tbs of oil [3 lžíce oleje]
  • 1Tsp of salt [lžička soli]
  • 1/4 Tsp of pepper [špetka pepře]
  • 1 Tsp of ground caraway seeds [žička drceného kmínu]
  • 1 Tsp of sugar [lžička cukru]
  • 3/4 cup of rye flour [ 70 g žitné celoznné mouky jemně mleté]
  • 3/4 cup of whole wheat flour [70 g pšeničné celozrnné mouky jemně mleté]
  • about 1 and 1/4 cup of all purpose flour [ 150 g hladké mouky]
  • 1 package of dry yeast [8 g droždí]



  1.  Start your dough following the same directions as in my Easy bread recipe (click here).
  2. Once you had started your yeast mixture, slowly added the flour (I have even used pastry flour instead of all-purpose flour because I did not have any other on hand) and all the other ingredients, make one big ball out of your dough, put in in a lightly floured bowl, cover it with a dish cloth in a warm place and wait until the dough amount at least doubles in size. This takes usually about an hour.
  3. Divide your dough into 5 little pieces and make 5 balls out of them. Put them on a floured pan, make a cross on top of each with a knife and let them rise again until they increase in size a bit. When you touch each dalamanek ball with a finger the dough should spring back. That is how you know the dough is ready.
  4. Brush Dalamanky with some water and sprinkle some caraway seeds and/or coarsely ground salt on them.
  5. Bake them in an oven at 385 degrees F for about 22 minutes until the tops are a bit brown. I also put an oven proof bowl with some water in the oven to create some extra moisture during the baking process which helps the bread to have a nice crust.




množství surovin je celkem malé, proto se v pekárně těžko míchá. Dělala jsem klasicky, robotem…..ti, co s kynutým těstem moc zkušeností nemají, můžou nahlédnout do článku Pracujeme i bez pekárny.


Vykynuté těsto lehce propracujeme, rozdělíme na 5 dílů a (pokud je třeba) na lehce pomoučeném stole vytvarujeme do bochánků – dalamánků. Uložíme je na plech, můžeme naříznout a necháme vykynout.

Vykynuté potřeme vodou, můžeme sypnout celým kmínem nebo i hrubou solí a upečeme ve vyhřáté troubě (200°C (392F)/20-25min).’


Source: http://www.primapekarna.estranky.cz/clanky/rohliky_-bulky_-bagety/jednoduche–nejen–prilohove-dalamanky.html

If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!

2 comments… add one
  • helena` September 17, 2013, 9:19 am

    tento recept zni velice dobre, urcite ho zkusim ale nemam domaci pekarnu ani robot,tak doufam ze mi to pujde jenom rucne. Helena

  • Tanja September 28, 2013, 10:01 pm

    Helco, ja to delala take jen v ruce. Robota sice mam, ale nechce se mi z neho to testo pracne vyndavat a pak vsechno myt….je to jednodussi rucne!

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