Milos Zeman was recently re-elected as a new Czech president and many people are not happy. To be precise, Milos Zeman won the election by just over 150,000 electoral votes. Since the Czechs elect their president directly, those are 150,000 average folks, not politicians. The older people tend to vote for Zeman, while the younger population wanted Jiri Drahos to win. Why such a divide? Drahos stood for heavy partnership with the EU as well as lax immigration politics. Zeman, on the other hand, is anti-EU and does not approve immigration quota prescribed by the European Union.
What would most Czechs tell you? Do they LOVE any of those two candidates? No, neither one of them is perfect, but you have to pick your poison;).
I feel like I am not immersed enough in the Czech politics to participate in the presidential elections but if you voted, who was it?
CZ: Cesi zijici v zahranici – volili jste noveho ceskeho presidenta? Nebo jste si neprisli dostatecne kvalifikovani (viz. ja)?