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Roller-coaster, UFO or a hiking trail? / UFO nebo turisticka stezka?

rozhlednaMoravia is kind of like the French Riviera of the Czech Republic: it is unique, extra beautiful and almost unblemished. Although my grandma was from there, I am guilty of visiting Moravia only once – when I was just a little pipsqueak that is.

No wonder every time I come across this Czech region in the news I tend to linger there to find out what is going on. This time I came across a strange image which my brain had hard time categorizing.  At first I thought it was some giant construction, then maybe a UFO  or perhaps a giant new roller-coaster. I had to read the whole article to find out what this thing was! And it turned out to be a new, 18o feet tall  HIKING TRAIL (tower?)!!!!

To tell you the truth, I am not that excited about the look of it but I am pretty excited about what it does:

  • to get from one level to the next, one can climb the so-called ‘sleeves’ made out of thick nets
  • in case a tiredness hits someone like a sack of bricks, there are hammocks available everywhere
  • What if you get to the top and want to get down a little faster? You can use a huge tube slide which brings you all the way back to the entrance (for my taste a little toooooo crazy)


So just in case you are climbing the Moravian mountains and you feel like you need to climb even higher – and perhaps touch the stars – this is a trip just for you ;).


rozhledna 2CZ: I kdyz jsem na Morave byla jen jednou, a to jen jako pouhy 6-ti lety prcek, jeji krasu nelze zapomenout. Od minuleho roku ji jeste vice zkrasluje (nebo hyzdi??) nova rozhledna. Z dalky vypada neco jako ufonsky talir a z blizka jako obr-horska draha. Ale uplne zblizka je to ‘pouha’ turisticka stezka, stoupajici do 55-ti metrove vyse.

I kdyz jeji zjev mi neni tak sympaticky, s funkci uz jsem mnohem spokojenejsi. Cestou nahoru si totiz muzete z jednoho patra na druhe ‘urychlit’ cas a pouzit tzv. kapsy, nebo-li provazove site. A naopak, jestli chcete zpomalit, nebo si dokonce dat slofika, stezka je vybavena mnoha sitovymi houpackami.

A co se stane na samem vrcholu? Nejdrive se vam asi zamota hlava ze samotne vysky; nebo do vas narazi nejaky kolem letouci ptak; tudiz bude asi nejlepsi, abyste se honem chystali zase dolu….ale tentokrat to muzete vzit  nerezovym toboganem s okynky!!!!


No proste, jestli jste z tech, co se radi dotykaji hvezd, tak tento vylet je presne pro vas.




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6 comments… add one
  • Lenka Mohwish January 17, 2016, 12:15 pm

    A jsme zase u toho jak je ten svět maly. Byli jsme v Dolni Moravě v létě a je tam nádherné. Strávili jsme tam deset dnu. Stezka mela byt dodělana v cervnu ale meli zkluz takze tu jsme nestihli. Otevreli tam krasny lesni park, ten jsme videli pred oficialnim otevrenim. Tri dny po nasem odjezdu se tam prehnalo tornado a milionove skody, park poniceny, bobova draha kterou jsme jezdili denne roztrousena po poli. Byla jsem v soku. Jsem ráda že stezka to ustala a ze je vse zase otevrene. Vrele doporucuji vylet. Plno historie kolem, pohranicni opevneni, bunkry vsude, klaster, město Kraliky. Prostě super.
    Byli jsme ubytování v Roubence. Krasne prostředí, všude blízko a ubytováni nádherné


  • Tanja January 17, 2016, 5:10 pm

    No , to snad ne! Ja ti tady pisu tvuj osobni denicek, koukam!
    Vylet zni krasne a ubytovani v roubence jeste krasneji 😉

  • Lenka January 17, 2016, 6:53 pm

    Jo Tani, to pises. 🙂 Az budu jednou stara a uz si nebudu nic pamatovat tak muzu procist pulku meho zivota tady. LOL. Jen pis dale. Bylo to tam opravdu uzasne. A ty bunkry take. Prolezli jsme je s detma a muj syn se ted o tom vsem uci ve skole a v Ceske skole delaji projekt na historii Ceske Republiky. Co myslis ze jsme si vylosovali. 1938-9 a zalozeni Ceskoslovenska. Vsechno o cem jsme se v lete naucili a prolezli to. 🙂

  • Tanja January 18, 2016, 7:07 pm

    No to je kraaasne! Vsechno to do sebe zapadlo jako pucliky;)

  • Annie Candeland July 9, 2016, 5:08 am

    Beautiful photo. I discovered, a couple years ago, that my grandmother was from Moravia. My mother is Austrian and my father was English and I have been brought up in England. I really want to connect with my roots and found this website. I don’t know any Czech people and can find no organisation in my town, Stafford, UK. I am making efforts to learn about the country and people

  • Tanja August 23, 2016, 9:27 am

    Hi Annie, you need to try meetup.com and search for Czech groups. There are bunch of Czechs in UK:)

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