The following article is very interesting (thank you Nikola!). If you are a linguist you are already salivating. If you hate linguistics, give it a chance, you will learn a valuable history lesson in a matter of a few minutes. And it will be more clear to you why is Europe devided into a Western part and an Eastern part….even the words on the map show it!
CZ: Tento clanek je velmi zajimavy (diky Nikolo!).At jste lingvista nebo vas lingvistika absolutne nezajima, tato mapa vam vse vysvetli v kostce za 30 sekund. Take vam bude jasnejsi, proc se Evropa vubec rozdeluje na Vychodni a Zapadni…vzdyt i ta slova na mape to to tak ukazuji!
If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!
Looks like a problem with the article you linked to.
Moc zajimave, diky!!!
I don’t see the article – no hyperlink to an article and only a map.
OK, now the links are fixed.
The link to the article still isn’t showing up.
The link is working now.