Hi, this is just a quick announcement that I am also on Twitter now. So if you would like to follow my
squawks tweets in Czech and/or about anything Czech-related you can follow me @CzechmateDiary.
Have a great Sunday!
CZ: UPOZORNENI: Jestlize jste Twitteraci (v cestine by to bylo neco jako ‘cimcaracci’?), muzete Czechmate Diary sledovat @CzechmateDiary.
Preji hezkou nedeli!
If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!
Cimcarak… nevim.. co takhle “cvrlikac” a “cvrlikalka” ?
nene, cvrlikac je spis nejaka kobylka nebo sarance, ne? Urcite cimcarak, vzdyt ptaci delaji cimcararararara 🙂 Nebo teda jeste delaji ‘pip, pip’, tak to by bylo neco jako: NAJDETE MNE NA PIPRU (dlouhe I). Co ty na to, Martine?