Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, is going to be famous. The biggest known forgery painter Daniele Donde is planing to build a museum of False Art there. Similar museums are currently located only in Moscow ans Switzerland. Donde himself is an interesting case: he never studied art, his falsification skills were learned from people that used used to sell his father fake art – without his father’s knowledge. Donde explains:”I gave those crooks a choice, either I was going to call the police on them or they will teach me how to paint like they do.” He sold his first copy of a painting by Giorgio de Chirica for 50 million lira and bought his first porsche. Among hundreds of paintings that Donde painted are also Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, Monet’s Poppy field and Klimt’s Kiss – the most expensive paintings in the world since the originals are privately owned and cannot be seen by the public. Donde has had some problems with the law as not every country agrees with his philosophy of false art.
CZ: Bratislava bude brzy slavna! Nejznamejsi malir falzifikatu na svete se tam totiz chysta postavit muzeum falesneho umeni. Podobna muzea jsou k videni pouze v Moskve a ve Svycarsku. Donde je zajimava osubka: nikdy malirstvi nestudoval, kopirovat zname malire se naucil skrze podvodniky, kteri v minulosti prodavali falzifikaty chudakovi Dandeho otci. Dande vysvetluje:”Dal jsem jim na vyber: but je udam policajtum, nebo me nauci malovat”. Jeho prvni kopii obrazu malire Giorgia de Chirica prodal za 50 milionu lir a koupil si za to sve prvni porsche. Mezi Dandovi “vytvory” patri take Van Goghovy Slunecnice, Monetovo Makove pole a Klimtuv Polibek, coz jsou nejdrazsi obrazy na svete, jelikoz jsou privatne vlastnene a tedy verejnemu publiku absolutne nepristupne. Donde mel v minulosti problemy se zakonem a to proto, ze ne kazda zeme uznava jeho filosofii falesneho umeni.
Bratislava – the capital of False Art / Bratislava – cetrum falesneho umeni
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