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Gingerbread city in a jar / Pernikove mesto ve sklenici

Ginberbread city from Better Homes and GardensI found this really CUTE idea for a Christmas gift (or you can use it as a decoration if you like) in the December issue of Better Homes and Gardens magazine.  It is a Gingerbread city in a glass jar. I figured to make it a little more Czech/Slovak you could make your house template in the country baroque style.

Here is the exact description of what to do when you want to have your jar look exactly like the one on the picture.

CZ: Tady je krasny napad, jak nekomu vyrobit napadity darecek anebo jen si hezky ozdobit vas domecek. Jestli chcete, tak si ty domecky trosku pozmente ve stylu selskeho baroka a mate krasny CESKY/SLOVENSKY darek!

gingerbread house directions/ Better Homes and Gardens magazine

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1 comment… add one
  • Gracia December 30, 2013, 9:26 am

    Ahoj. Nechapu tuhle stranku. Neverim ze na ni jenom tak nekdo narazi.
    Muze mi to nekdo priblizit? Co vim, ceska komunira se schazi na FB. Dekuji.

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