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St. Nicholas Day at our house (part II) / Svaty Mikulas u nas doma (cast 2.)

Czech Saint Nicholas, the devil and the angelOK, here is the second part (click here for part I): what happened in our house on Saint Nicholas day!

CZ: Zde je druha cast o tom, co se stalo u nas na Svateho Mikulase (prvni cast si muzete precist zde):

Our Czech community had a little St. Nicholas party (besidka), where the kids had a chance to perform a couple of Christmas carols as well as some theatre….and of course, people brought Czech food and there was a big pig out…..One nice mom even brought a big box of  home-made venecky! It took her 9 hours to make all of them so God bless her!

Anyway, here is the scoop: since we are Christians, I never liked the idea to scare my kids with the Czech devil tradition (i.e. ‘The devil will take you to hell if you don’t behave’) because the word ‘devil’ here is taken a bit more seriously then over in Czech. In the Czech Republic it’s kind of a cultural thing, we even have cutsie names for him like ‘certik Bertik’ (the devil Bert) and we make fun of him….Here the word ‘devil’ and ‘hell’ is taken a bit more seriously, especially if one is a Christian.

That is why ever since my daughter was able to comprehend a bit I was trying to explain to her that the devil in the St. Nicholas trinity is really just a dressed up person; it is an uncle in a costume!! Nothing to be afraid of! And every once in a while she would ask me that again to make sure that it is still the truth. I also had to tell her not to tell this secret of ours to the other Czech kids because they all believe it is the real devil. I mean, their parents’ existence depends on this!!!!  I made her promise me to keep the secret. I know it is kind of hard to do that with a five year old but she did look like  she really got it.

Well, on the “D day”, before her little theatre performance (They were doing “the Three Little Pigs” play) when she was getting dressed, I found out from one of the moms that she was merrily telling everyone around that the devil is really one of the daddies dressed up a s the devil. And guess who was the only one who busted out crying during her play because he/she was affraid of the bystanding devil?? Hahna!!!!!!!!! What an irony that is. She was the oldest one in the crew, knew the secret and still broke down, poor kid.

So in order for the play to resume the angel had to announce to everyone that the devil is leaving since all of the kids have been pretty good this year. Hopefully next year we will have a little more successful story to tell :).

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