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What does Slovakia mean to me? / Slovensko – co pro mne znamena?

My Slovak blogging buddy Peter wanted me to write a guest post on American Robotnik about what does Slovakia mean to me these days. I thought that was a great idea, although it took me forever to actually write something about it. But I finally did and here it is (click here).

CZ: Peter je jeden velmi chytry blogger, ktery je originalne ze Slovenska, ale jako mnoho z nas zije nyni v Americe. Ma americkou manzelku a volny cas travi psanim do American Robotnik  (jeho blog).

Jiz davno mne pozadal, abych napsala guest blog na tema Slovensko a co pro me tato zeme vubec dneska znamena. Prislo mi to jako vyborny napad, ale trvalo mi par stoleti se  k tomu dokopat a neco napsat. No, konecne jsem hotova a tady to je (kliknete zde).

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3 comments… add one
  • Eva Z July 24, 2012, 10:29 am

    Great post, Tani! I feel exactly the same way! I think it’s funny that we did the same thing, practicing Slovak and thinking that it actually sounds better! Somehow “lubim ta” sounds a lot more romantic than “miluji te” 🙂

  • Tanja July 26, 2012, 7:58 am

    Diky! “Miluji Te” kind of breaks your tongue 😉

  • Benedikta August 10, 2012, 1:53 pm

    In June I had a chance to ask Mr. Carnogursky about the split. There were two interesting points he made:
    1. Most Czechs felt that we were losing part of our country. Most Slovaks didn’t feel that way, for them Czech was a very close foreign country (already during Czechoslovakia) with a similar language. I was shocked to hear that but not surprised as I was in Bratislava just before the split happened. The Slovaks who were present at this conversation agreed with Mr. Carnogursky.
    2. By 1992 the “old, Charter 77” generation of politicians were not as much present in the government as before. There were no more sentimental bonds as before. Also, the establishing of Czechoslovakia was mainly was security reasons: Czechs were to protect the Slovaks. But history showed that Slovaks didn’t need the protection. It was Czech lands that were occupied by Hitler (and Slovaks were quick to split from us for their own protection). So that argument for unity didn’t hold anymore. Thus split was agreed to, very privately.

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