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Only the disonest become rich in Czech? /Bohatnou v Cechach jenom darebaci?

Do only crooks get to drive the limos in the Czech Republic or can  honest and hardworking people become rich as well? The 2/3rds of Czechs lean toward the more pessimistic outlook, claiming that the rich became rich because they were using dishonesty and shady contacts instead of their competence.

Almost 90% of Czechs think  the differences between social classes have increased considerably in the last decade, yet the smart, honest and diligent members of the society are not part of the upper class. According to them it is actually the crooks who took that spot.

What’s interesting is that when the same question was asked 13 years ago, 80% of participants thought that smart and honest Czechs could become successful in their home country (what happened?).

The 2/3rds of the poll participants would handle this unfair situation by taxing the heck out of the rich people. They  (1/2 of them) would also  increase wages all across the country.

The above showed results were done by a statistical agency STEM, which randomly questioned the total of 1,223 people who were 18 years old or older.

CZ: Je pravda, ze v Cechach jezdi v limuzinach jenom samy darebaci? Ja to nemohu posoudit, uz jsem tam nejaky ten patek nezila. Ale podle pruzkumu agentury STEM je vetsina dotazanych Cechu (4/5) presvedcena, ze lide v Cechach dosahuji bohatstvi hlavne nepoctivou cestou a vyuzivaji k tomu spis konexe a znamosti nez sve schopnosti.

Pred 13 roky tomu bylo jinak; na tu samou otazku  si 80% dotazanych myslelo,  ze sikovny clovek v ceske spolecnosti muze sve schopnosti velmi dobre uplatnit.

90% obcanu se take domniva, ze se take zvetsily prijmove rozdily mezi lidmi. Podle vetsiny je spravedlive, aby lide s vyssimy platy platili vyssi sazbu dane nez lide s mene penezi. Polovina take souhlasi s tim, ze by lidem (i ceske ekonomice) pomohlo, kdyby se vsem vyrazne zvysily mzdy.

Pruzkum stem se dotazal 1223 respondentu starisch 18 let.

Source: http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/stem-vetsina-tvrdi-ze-lide-v-cesku-bohatnou-hlavne-nepoctive/580602

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17 comments… add one
  • helena klinger January 17, 2011, 9:23 am

    V posledni dobe se hodnoti lide stale vic podle toho jaky mas auto, dum,a kolik vydelas a o tech ostatnich kteri se nezarazuji do teto vrstvy se rika ‘obycejni lide’, Lide nemusi byt vzdelani ale musi mit penize, to je dnesni hodnota spolecnosti. Sen o svobode,demokrocii a rovnopravnosti se lidem rozplynul. H.K

  • Jana M Vaculik January 17, 2011, 11:06 am

    I do think it is dishonest people who seem to get ahead. Especially after the Velvet Revolution all the people in the former Communist party were in control so they got as much property and business as they could for dirt cheap. Then people like my family it takes 20+ years or never to get their property back.

  • Tanja January 17, 2011, 2:37 pm

    (I will write in English so both sides can understand).
    There are bunch of people in America who did not go to college but were super street-smart and ended up being very successful in life. That’s great. But if they end up being successful because they are playing foul games (like the above poll claims) then that’s not so great.
    Heleno, do you live in Czech or do you go for a visit quite often?/Helco, zijes v Cechach nebo tam casto jezdis? To vis, ja uz to tak posoudit nemuzu…

  • Vlastimil January 17, 2011, 4:11 pm

    Iwould ask differently: Only in Czech the disonest become rich?

  • Vlastimil January 17, 2011, 4:19 pm

    who is saying that people should be equal? I don’t think so…..
    kdo rika, ze lide by meli byt sobe rovni (rovnopravni)? Ja si to nemyslim…

    That’s why we have removed communism, which preaches equality… The equality is a nonsense. Without
    inequality there will be no progress.. And even if crooks are in power now, there still are ( I hope)
    free elections and people can volunteer to do something to bring all those thieves in government
    and their buddies to justice.

  • Vlastimil January 17, 2011, 4:22 pm

    Regarding salaries. High salaries are not driving force behind prosperous economy. On contrary,
    a prosperous economy is needed to be able to pay high salaries .. Do ever people get what the capitalism means?

  • Vlastimil January 17, 2011, 4:24 pm

    Sorry for the typo : instead of “the disonest” I should have had written “the dishonest”….

  • Marika January 17, 2011, 9:47 pm

    It seems like this article is a mix of government and economics. In capitalism economics should be separated from government and be run by private owners even if they are crooks. If the crooks are successful they will have to employ the good, honest people eventually, so they can pay them the high salaries. Yes, that means inequality which leads to capitalism. The government should protect its people but not get involved in economics because if the government does get involved in economics it will lead back to square one: socialism followed closely by communism. What I am gathering from this article the Czechs do not understand this mentality yet.

  • Tanja January 18, 2011, 8:49 am

    WOw, well-said Marika! The only thing is that I am not sure if crooks hire honest people. Crooks are usually attracted to other crooks. A crook would not pay an honest person a high salary because he is a crook…..

  • Vlastimil January 18, 2011, 5:13 pm

    Marika, I agree with you with some exceptions:

    1) I understand, crooks are sometimes needed, But in a well established capitalism,
    we should value a high ethics in conducting business.

    2) If government gets involved in economics, it will lead to fascism, not to socialism or communism
    Communists don’t want to be involved in economics, they want to own it. That’s actually distinction
    between fascism and communism, everything else stays same.

    So, you are so right, government should keep their hands of ecenomics and corporations….
    The bad thing that is happening, that big corporations are trying to own government, this is called
    a “soft fascism”….anyway, I have some work to do, ,,,”bez prace nejsou dolace ” :))

  • Tanja January 19, 2011, 1:19 pm

    I thought fascism was dictatorship…

  • Vlastimil January 19, 2011, 1:43 pm

    Dictatorship can have many forms. One of forms is a mind control….. For example make slaves think that they are free :)))

  • Nathan Brown January 21, 2011, 12:19 am

    Well written article. Unfortunately it seems the case that the Czech government bureaucratic system is based on the presumption of cheating. I mean this because all business requires verified signatures, notarized copies of documents and a huge amount of extra effort (personal presence, not accepting scans of documents, etc.) to get things done in Czech Republic vs, for example, Canada, where I am from. It stems from this general perception among the population that everyone will cheat when given the opportunity. Personally I think controls and checks are necessary in many instances but the mentality that all are presumed cheating and systems are based on this because a minority do, really holds back the business environment in Czech Republic.

  • Tanja January 21, 2011, 11:43 am

    Hi Nathan, that is a great observation. I haven’t even thought about it that way (that all of the paperwork needed holds the Czech business environment). Then the monumental question is, How do you get rid of that cheating attitude? You can’t just kill everyone (haha) and start over again like you would do with badly-knitted sweater for example (sorry for my poor analogy but I have been into knitting lately): if you make a mistake somewhere in the middle of your pattern the best thing is to just undo everything and start over.

    It will take couple of generations before the nation cleanses itself from all impurities, wouldn’t you think?

  • Nathan Brown January 22, 2011, 6:47 am

    Yes, I would think it would. I think things are improving already. I like your knitted sweater illustration!

  • Andy January 23, 2011, 9:17 am

    Hey! What do you expect in the house that Klaun built? That guy is the biggest crook and he’s in the castle! Kafka must be sniggering in his grave.

    When I lived in Havlickuv Brod, my landlord was one of the richest guys in town. He made his money from selling drugs, owning whorehouses and stealing stuff. Whenever he had a BBQ his garden looked like an episode of The Sopranos.

  • Tanja January 23, 2011, 5:46 pm

    Haha! Now I have to start watching the show to really appreciate your comment!

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