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Czechs: the no. 1 beer-drinking nation/ Cesi – narod pivaru

Greetings! I hope you all enjoyed Christmas and that the year 2011 (it’s going to take me months to get used to writing the correct year) is going to be the best one ever. On that note, I have a little surprise for you. I am updating the blog image, making it more fancy and getting rid of the old technical bugs that have been bothering me (and some of you) for some time.

Since it’s the first of the new year let us remind ourselves of one ultimate and absolute truth about the Czech nation: WE LIKE BEER. We like it so much that the world rated us number one beer-drinkers of all times. Don’t believe me? Click on this link (click here) and watch the video.

CZ: Doufam, ze jste si vsichni uzili vanocni svatky a ze tento rok bude vasim neuspesnejsim. Ocekavejte v nejblissi dobe male prekvapeni a to v podobe aktualizace tohoto blogu. Vzhled by mel byt podobny (lepsi) a po technicke strance bude vykonejsi – tedy takovy je  alespon muj zamer.

Jelikoz je dnes 1. ledna 2011 (!!), pojdme si pripomenout jednu z nejpravdivejsich pravd ceskeho naroda: CESI MILUJI PIVO. Miluji ho do takove miry, ze se stali temi nejvetsimi pivari na svete! Neverite mi? Podivejte se na toto video (kliknete zde).

If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!

5 comments… add one
  • Marek Tmavypotok Budka January 2, 2011, 2:25 pm

    Tis not news to us Czech-Americans. The problem for this little Hussite-Baptist . . . Don’t tell my German Mennonite friends who are members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union that I drink a Pilsner-Urquell or Czechvar (REAL Budweiser) every evening! They already know it, but they think I condone American drunkeness. Don’t drink and drive.
    Mark Douglas Budka
    P.S. We don’t need Prohibition again. That’s how the Mafia got a foothold!

  • Jaryba January 3, 2011, 9:53 am

    Jen by mě zajímalo kolik z toho vypijí v Česku turisti, ti nám taky pěkně zvedají průměr.

  • Jaryba January 3, 2011, 9:55 am

    Pivo je velmi zdravé (když se pije v přiměřeném množství, což bude u Čechů dost velký problém) – http://www.novinky.cz/zena/zdravi/79039-pivo-je-zdrave-muze-blokovat-nektere-infekce.html

  • Tanja January 3, 2011, 12:13 pm

    No vidis Jarybo tak to tem cizincum odpustime, ze nam zvysuji prumer, alespon nam take zlepsuji zdravi! Jsou pro nas takovy multivitamin 🙂

  • Vlastimil January 19, 2011, 2:05 pm

    Pivo je tekuty chleba a nedrobi se…

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