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Another Czech Fairytale:The wolf and the kids / Vlk a kůzlátka

The wolf and the kids google image /Vlk a kuzlatka google imageOnce there lived a mother goat with her seven kids. Before she left to find food, she told them, “Don’t open the door until you hear my song: “Children, children, open up the door.” One day the wolf heard the song. He ran to the door and sang it. The kids knew it wasn’t their mother and did not open the door. ” Our mother has a very soft, gentle voice,” they said to the wolf. The angry wolf ran to the smith and told him. “File my tongue down so that I have a softer voice!” The smith  did as the wolf wished.

The next day the wolf sang the song to the kids again, but now with a softer voice. “Our mother has a softer, more gentle voice,” said the goatlings and once again didn’t open the door. The wolf was very angry this time. When he came to the smith again, he said: “Make my voice even softer or I will eat you up!”

On the third day the wolf came to the door and sang in a beautiful soft voice. THe kids thought it was their mother and opened the door. But instead of their mommy, they saw the hungry wolf. He jumped in and ate six kids. the smallest of them hid in the clock and the wolf did not find him. When the mother goat came home and her hidden kid told her everything, she ran after the wolf. First, she butted him with her horns. Then she cut his tummy open and saved her little children. “I will never eat any goatlings again,” promised the wolf. “We will never open the door to a stranger again,” promised the kids and they lived happily ever after.

CZ:Žila jednou jedna koza se svými sedmi kůzlatky. Předtim, než odešla pro jídlo, kůzlatkum řekla: “Neotvirejte dveře, dokud neuslysite moji písnicku: “Kuzlatka, kuzlatka, otevrete vratka.” Jednoho dne uslysel jeji pisnicku vlk. Přibehl ke dveřim a zazpíval ji. Kuzlatka věděla, že to neni jejich maminka a dveře otevřela. “Naše maminka má jeméoučký hlas,” řekla vlkovi. Rozzlobený vlk běžel ke kováři, a řekl mu: “Upiluj mi jazyk, abych měl tenci hlas!” Kovář udělal, jak mu vlk přikázal. Další den vlk  znovu zazpíval kůzlátkům písničku, ale už jemnějsím hlasem. “Nase maminka má ještě jemnějsí hlas,” řekla kůzlátka a dveře opět neotevřela. Tentokrát byl vlk moc rozzlobený. Když došel ke kováři, rekl mu: “Udelej můj hlas ješte jemnejší, nebo tě sežeru.”

Třetí den vlk znovu přisel ke dveřim a písničku zazpival krásně tenkým hláskem. Kůzlátka si myslela, ze to byla jejich maminka a otevřela dvere. Místo maminky však uviděla hladového vlka. Ten skočil dovnitř a snědl šest kůzlátek. Nejmenší kůzlátko se schovalo do hodin a vlk ho nemohl najit.

Poté, co se koza vrátila, a jejich schované kůzlátko ji všechno řeklo, vyběhla za vlkem. Nejdřiv ho nabrala svými rohy. Potom mu rozpárala břicho a svá kůzlátka tak zachránila. “Ja už nikdy nebudu jíst kůzlata, ” sliboval vlk. “My už nikdy dveře neotevřeme,” slibovala kůzlátka a žili pak dlouho a štastně.

Source: Cesko-Anglicke Pohadky

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16 comments… add one
  • Tanja May 5, 2010, 10:46 pm

    PS: After 12 years of living in the US I have learned that the world ‘kids’ means actually “goat-lings” not just children!!!! Very interesting.

    Also I am learning how to use ‘hacky a carky’ so bear with me….

  • lenka May 5, 2010, 11:12 pm

    just wait till your three year old comes from school with a sparkle in her eyes and while gigling tells you she is not a kid. She is not a baby goat. 🙂 Oh the wonders of motherhood.

  • Vonya Planchon May 6, 2010, 3:03 pm

    Great story! I love the fairy tales.

  • multi.flexi May 7, 2010, 12:24 am

    Goat is interesting word. It has more meanings in czech 😀

  • Lenka May 7, 2010, 11:47 am

    Has more meanings in English too 🙂 And they are more interesting then in Czech too 🙂

  • Tanja May 7, 2010, 4:12 pm

    Haha, that’s true! That would be an interesting article! What animals in what countries took on different meanings. But that post would probably attract mostly perverts 🙂

  • Tanja May 7, 2010, 4:19 pm

    wait….goat has more meanings in English???? Is it too gross to write it down in the comment area? Man, I am learning things today…

  • Lenka May 7, 2010, 8:05 pm

    One is too gross to write 🙂 The other one is a saying: Got your goat. 🙂

  • Tanja May 7, 2010, 11:56 pm

    Tak jsem se zeptala manzela. O tom ‘gross’ meaning nema tuseni a druhemu uz rozumim :))

  • Tanja May 9, 2010, 10:42 am

    By the way, I keep wondering, is this fairytale truly a Czech tale or was it originated somewhere else?
    Even if it was Czech, did other countries translated it into their language? (I may be a little nationalistic here:)

  • multi.flexi May 9, 2010, 2:16 pm

    Goats means boobs in czech too and maybe in Slovakia. And real name of this story is Pohadka o neposlusnych kuzlatkach.

  • Eva May 11, 2010, 3:04 pm

    I checked out the dictionary and it didn’t say anything gross (that still doesn’t mean there isn’t a gross meaning existing 🙂 ). Besides goat the animal, it also means Goat as the constellation or sign Capricorn, a scapegoat or victim, or a licentious or lecherous man; lecher. Or it can be also a fast and powerful car; like a Pontiac GTO.- His goat conked out on him.

  • Eva May 11, 2010, 3:05 pm

    And how about those kid gloves? Gloves made out of children’s skin?!? 🙂

  • Tanja May 11, 2010, 10:20 pm

    wow, didn’t hear about that either! I guess I am living under the rock here!

  • Vlastimil May 24, 2010, 12:35 pm

    Myslim, ze Cesi maji docela blizko k prirode, a Slovaci nejsou zrejme od prirody dale 😉

    Neni ten cesky jazyk krasny a poeticky? :

    Kdyz jedu rano do prace, tak auta se vlecou jakou hlemyzdi, obcas mi pred auto skoci nejaka krava a slepice nepochopitelne meni pruhy… Nevrle myslim na to, ze prijdu do prace a tam bude ta zmije sef a par ulisnych lisek… Ani obcas nejake ty kozy co se mihnou okolo meho cubiclu nemuzou zlepsit naladu 😉

    Kdyz jedu domu, lepsi se mi nalada, kdyz pomyslim na cerstve ovoce, jako napriklad zralou broskev, i kdyz obcas musle by mozna bodla lepe… Ale nekdy jsem z prace tak vyrizen , ze bych nejradsi zalezl do nejake jeskynky a nenechal se nikym rusit 😉

  • Gollum October 17, 2010, 4:44 am

    It’s a Romanian story written by Ion Creanga.

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