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The loosest slots – not so loose afterall/ ??? (preklad nefunguje)

google slot machine imageI got a funny story for you. For the longest time, even after living in America for couple of years, I kept wondering about this huge highway billboard. It entertained the passing-by driver with a picture of three people having a very good time, laughing like crazy and giving you inviting looks to join them as soon as possible. The three people were usually 2 decently looking women and 1 man, all about 5o years of age. The sign said: “The loosest slots” (and then a name of some place which I did not know). Since spelling was never my strong side, I automatically thought that it said ‘The loosest sluts”, which kind of changes the whole meaning. For years I was completely appalled and flabbergasted about this commercial, for couple of reasons. One, America seemed like such a conservative and moral country to me, where brothels were forbidden and prostitutes were nowhere to be seen; two, why did they hire such old models? I mean, if they HAD to do it, why not hire someone who is more attractive? I was racking my brains about this for years!!!!

But as it usually happens, the truth finds its way out and I did found the real meaning of the commercial. It was a local casino advertisement!!!!!

What wretched things has to a poor foreign soul undergo during the process of assimilation…….only the tough survive the journey!

CZ: Mam pro vas legracni historku. Videli jste nekdy ten americky dalnicovy billboard, kde se vesele usmivaji tri postarsi lide – vetsinou pan a dve pani- s napisem “Loosest slots”? Neprislo vam to, jako cizinci, divne? Me osobne to prislo HROZNE divne. Maly hacek u me bylo ale me spelovani; pro mne slovo ‘slot’ bylo totiz uplne to same jako slovo ‘slut’ a tutiz se cele mineni reklamy zmenilo na naproste faux pas. “Coze? Oni tu tak klidne popaguji prostitutky??”, “Vzdyt Amerika je preci takova konzervativni zeme!”, pomyslela jsem si zklamane. “A to nemohli alespon najmout nejake atraktivnejsi modelky?!”

Proste jsem z toho billboardu byla uplne vedle. Po dobu nekolika let. Ale pravda si vzdycky najde cestu a take ja jsem po letech absolutni ignorace zjistila prave mineni onoho sloganu. Samozrejme ze ‘slots’ jsou hraci masiny v kasinu, kdezto ‘sluts’ jsou prostitutky. Velky rozdil. Ona reklama totiz propagovala mistni kasino, kam se dostavuje vetsinou starsi generace.

Zivot imigranta je zivot tezky, plny prekazek a trapnych (z kterych se casem stanou “roztomile”) zkusenosti. Jen ti nejdravejsi vydrzi proces asimilace ;0)

If you liked this post buy me a coffee! (Suggested:$3 a latte $8 for a pound) Thanks!

8 comments… add one
  • MiGrant March 28, 2010, 11:26 pm

    I have a feeling the potential for confusion wasn’t completely accidental on the advertiser’s part….

  • Karen March 28, 2010, 11:42 pm

    Cute story!

  • Nicki March 29, 2010, 8:37 am

    No, you’ve actually had that right all along. This is supposed to be the advertisers’ shot at being cute/funny in order for the product to stick in the potential customer’s mind.
    The old woman in the ad is not a prostitute but someone that “lets loose,” and “has fun” (opposed to your usual old person that merely sits at home and watches TV all day).

  • Marika March 29, 2010, 8:46 am

    That’s funny Tanja. This reminds me how many little incidents I had myself because of the language barrier.I had a trouble with the English paradoxes, for example: the alarm goes off. When that happened the first time, in my first apartment, with the smoke detector (the batteries died I did not try to burn the place down)I went to get the manager and kept telling him: “The alarm is on” He just kept staring at me as if I was insane. Hundred years later I still laugh about that sometimes.

  • Tanja March 29, 2010, 11:43 am

    Ha! So I had a good hunch after all!
    Marika – that’s too funny!

    I had a one more funny story related to this one: we have a steak restaurant here which is called “Loves”. The building is rimmed with red and the windows are tinted so you cannot see inside. I was sure that it was a strip club/whore house for quite some time :)))

  • Verunka Vlkova March 29, 2010, 12:30 pm

    That is really funny! Thanks for sharing this story with us:)

  • Mimi March 29, 2010, 6:12 pm

    Ja ked som videla napisy “Bridal”, v ktorych predavaju svadobne saty, prelozila som si to ako nevestinec (bordel). Haha. To ale bolo uplne na zaciatku mojho zivota v USA.

  • Jana P March 30, 2010, 10:38 am

    I still don’t understand the meaning of “loosest”, I mean in that casino meaning : ) Can you tranlate Tanja?

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