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Slovakia almost blew up Dublin…uuups / O-Oh…Slovaci malem vyhodili Dablin do povetri

Slovaks were testing their bomb-detection protocols by planting plastic explosives into 9 passengers’ suitcases WITHOUT informing them about it and this is how the story ONLY begins…

CZ: Na Slovensku se tentokrat testovalo, zda-li by 90 gramu trhaviny proslo letistnim bezpecnostnim systemem a podivejte, co z toho bylo za prusvih:

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Source: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/01/06/slovak-security-team-plants-plastic-explosive-on-flight-to-dublin/

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2 comments… add one
  • Marika January 10, 2010, 12:07 pm

    That’s crazy!

  • Tanja January 11, 2010, 1:20 am

    No, taky si rikam, sef te bezpecnostni sluzby je uz ale chudak bez prace…no, chudak…asi si to zaslouzi – za takovy blby napad!!!

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