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Do you still remember the ‘Three Kings’ song? / Pamatujete si stale pisnicku o tri kralich?

Three Kings /www.wikipedia.org imageTomorrow is the Three Kings day, which is celebrated all over Europe. The Czechs do not celebrate it too much (at least we didn’t when we were kids) but I just found out from my Czech friend – who is married to a Spanish guy – that this holiday is even more prevalent in Spain than Christmas. In fact, the Spanish don’t even celebrate Christmas! Crazy, huh?

Anyhow, this is what Wikipedia says about how is this holiday celebrated in Central Europe:

‘A tradition in most of Central Europe involves writing the initials of the three kings’ names above the main door of the home to confer blessings on the occupants for the New Year. For example, 20 + C + M + B + 08. The initials may also represent “Christus mansionem benedicat” (Christ bless this house). In Catholic parts of Germany and in Austria, this is done by so called Sternsinger (star singers), children, dressed up as the Magi, carrying the star and singing Christmas carols. In exchange for writing the initials, they collect money for charity projects in the third world.’ (Read more about this holiday here).

What probably all of the Czech/Slovak kids know is the Three Kings song (My tri kralove jdeme k vam), which is sang usually together with other Christmas carols during Christmas time. Below is the video as well as the words of the song (translation of the words was done by me so it may not be perfect). Let us reminisce about the times of our childhood!

CZ: Zitra je tu svatek Tri Kralu, tak vam preji to nej, nej, nejlepsi. Je na case si zavzpominat na tu nasi pisnicku o Trech kralich  a tady je k tomu take pekne detske video:

MY TRI KRALOVE JDEME K VAM (We, the three kings, are coming to you)

My tři králové jdeme k vám,
štěstí, zdraví vinšujeme vám

(We, the Three kings come to wish you happiness and health)

Štestí, zdraví, dlouhá léta,
my jsme k vám přišli z daleka.

(We wish you happiness, health and long age, we came from far away lands)

Z daleka je cesta naše,
do Betléma mysl naše.

(Our journey was long, but we are longing to be in Bethlehem soon)

Nám třem se hvězda zjevila,
která jak živa nebyla.

(We saw a star, which looked quite supernatural)

Jak jsme tu hvězdu viděli,
hned jsme si koně sedlali.

(As soon as we saw the star, we got on our horses)

Co ty, černej, stojíš vzadu,
vystrkuješ na nás bradu?

(What about you, black man, why do you stand behind everyone and put up your chin?)

A já černej vystupuju
a Nový rok vám vinšuju.

(I, the black man, am coming forward and I wish you a Happy New Year)

A my taky vystupujem
a Nový rok vám vinšujem.

(We are also coming forward and we wish you a Happy New Year)

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2 comments… add one
  • Ladi January 6, 2010, 9:06 pm

    Pochazim z male moravske vesnice a Tri Kralove se tam kazdy rok slavili. Diky za pripominku…

  • Tanja January 7, 2010, 12:13 am

    Ahoj Ladi,

    a co presne jste delali? Taky jste psali na dvere??

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