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S.O.S.!!! S.O.S.!!! / S.O.S.!!!S.O.S.!!!

czech national anthem flickr imageI was humming the Czech national anthem for myself the other day and I realized with terror that I DO NOT KNOW ALL OF THE WORDS ANYMORE!! How sad is that!!! What is strange though is that I can remember the Slovak national anthem word for word (I also have to say I have always liked the Slovak melody better, so maybe that is why it got stuck in my memory).

Anyhow, if you feel are as guilty as I do (I sure hope there is someone else out there!!) this YouTube video should help you. It is also provided with English subtitles, so for those who do not speak Czech and have always wondered what the heck is the Czech/Slovak anthem about there you go:

CZ: Tak jsem si nedavno pobrukovala ceskou hymnu a s hruzou jsem zjistila, ze si jiz NEPAMATUJI VSECHNA SLOVA!! ‘No, to je teda ostuda!!’, pomyslela jsem si. Co je na tom ale zvlastni je to, ze si stale pamatuji slova slovenske hymny (vzdycky se mi ta melodie libila vic, tak asi proto mi uvizla lepe v pameti).

V pripade, ze jste se pristihli (nebo se v budoucnosti pristihnete) v teto same deprimujici situaci, tady mate mensi tahak. Video ma i anglicke titulky, tak si tu nasi hymnu ted muzete pobrukovat i v anglictine :0).

And for those who were not patient enough to watch the whole movie here are the lyrics to the Czech national anthem:

Kde domov muj? (Where is my homeland?)

Kde domov muj, kde domov muj?
Voda huci po lucinach,
bory sumi po skalinach,
v sade skvi se jara kvet,
zemsky raj to na pohled!
A to je ta krasna zeme,
zeme ceska domov muj,
zeme ceska domov muj!

English translation:

Where is my home, where is my home?
Water bubbles across the meadows,
Pinewoods rustle among crags,
The garden is glorious with spring blossom,
Paradise on earth it is to see.
And this is that beautiful land,
The Czech land, my home.

Here is the Slovak national anthem:

Nad Tatrou sa blyska (Lightning Flashes Over the Tatra Mountains).

Nad Tatrou sa blyska hromy divo biju
Zastavme ich bratia
Ved sa ony stratia
Slovaci oziju

To Slovensko nase posial tvrdo spalo
Ale blesky hromu
Vzbudzuju ho k tomu
Aby sa prebralo

English translation:

Lightning flashes over the Tatra, the thunder pounds wildly (repeat)
Let us pause, brothers, they will surely disappear, the Slovaks will revive (repeat)
This Slovakia of ours has been fast asleep until now (repeat)
But the thunder and lightning are encouraging it to come alive (repeat)

So honestly, if you try to be objective, which anthem do you like better, the Czech one or the Slovak one??

Source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/miscellaneouslyrics/nationalanthemslyrics/slovakianationalanthemlyrics.html

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6 comments… add one
  • Jaryba June 26, 2009, 5:56 am

    Pro zajímavost přidávám druhou sloku, která se zpívala ve Fidlovačce, ale v hymně se nepoužívá:

    Kde domov můj,
    kde domov můj?
    V kraji znáš-li Bohu milém,
    duše útlé v těle čilém,
    mysl jasnou, vznik a zdar,
    a tu sílu vzdoru zmar?
    To je Čechů slavné plémě,
    mezi Čechy domov můj,
    mezi Čechy domov můj!

  • Vlastimil June 26, 2009, 9:41 am

    Ja si pamatuju :

    ……voda huci po skalinach….
    ….nad Tatrou sa blyska….

    Slovaci oziju…

  • Vlastimil June 26, 2009, 9:43 am

    Ceska hymna se mi libi vic, i kdyz je ponekud kycovita… Slvenksa hymna se mi zda moc buracejici

  • Tanja June 26, 2009, 12:08 pm

    Jarybovi: Diky moc za druhou sloku,uplne jsem zapomnela, ze nase hymna pochazi z Fidlovacky!!

    Vlastimilovi: mas pravdu, je vic buracejici, ale neni to proto, protoze byla vytovrena jako druha sloka hymny ceskoslovenske?? Proto tam pro ni neni vlastne zadna ‘predehra’.

  • Vlastimil June 26, 2009, 1:06 pm

    Me se libi ta druha sloka z “Fidlovacky”…. Nerika nic o tom, ze my Cesi musime zit v Cechach…
    Jsme doma tam, kde jsme mezi Cesi (mistni obyvatele muzeme pocestit) a tam, kde jsme ciperni a mame se dobre ….
    Je zajimave, ze v kazde zemi lide uctivaji hymnu ruznym zpusobem…Treba pri hrani ceske hymny se stoji v pozoru a kdyz deti kriceji, tak dostanou facku, aby se naucili trochu ctit svou zem…
    Kdyz byl Bush na oficialni navsteve v Praze, tak ceske noviny psaly, ze Bushovi bylo viditelne spatne, protoze se pri hrani americke hymny drzel za srdce….;)

  • Jana B June 27, 2009, 1:28 am

    Bubla, jo? 🙂
    Huci= drones
    V sade = in orchard

    Tak by se to teda libilo me, ale to zalezi na povaze. Bublani je taky dobre!

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