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Prague Zoo rated one of the best in the world! / Prazska zologicka zahrada je jednou z nejlepsich na svete!

prague-zoo-flamingosOnly about 7 years ago (2002) Prague underwent one of the most horrendous floods in the city’s history. Besides the historical downtown completely disappearing under water, the Prague’s zoo was flooded as well. The zoo staff managed to evacuate more than 1,000 animals, 800 birds, 150 reptiles and 100 mammals prior to the upcoming flood (making it the largest and the fastest evacuation of animals in the history of zoological gardens). Unfortunately, 14 mammals and 130 birds died during the floods, including the male seal Gastron, who swam more than 186 miles down the Vltava river to Germany, was resuced days later but died on the way back home thanks to exhaustion, stress and infection. Among the animals that had to be put down was 35-year-old Kadir (see image bellow), an elephant popular with zoo-goers, who became trapped by rising waters and could not be rescued.

www.bbc.co.uk imageThe complete damage of the zoo was about $5.2 million dollars. About 40% of the damage covered the insurance company, some financial help came from private sources (schools, institutions, companies, families). The director of the zoo, Peter Fejk, had to fight for his money very hard however, as there was quite a lot of criticism against him: media attacked him for putting some animals down; some people did not see the point of breeding exotic animals in the center of Europe. But the zoo managed and managed so well that the prestigious Forbes Traveler Magazine currently rates the Prague Zoological gardens as the 15th best zoo in the world! Congratulations! For more information about this exciting news click here.


flooded Prague in 2002 / www.bbc.co.uk imageCZ: V roce 2002 pohltila Prahu jedna z nejvetsich zaplav v hisorii  mesta. Po 10 dnech neuprosneho lijaku se zatopilo nejen  Stare mesto (viz foto), ale take samotna zologicka zahrada. Pracovnikum ZOO se povedlo evakuovat 1,000 mensich zvirat, 800 ptaku a 100 savcu, z cehoz se stala ta nejvetsi zachrana operace v hisorii zologickych zahrad. Bohouzel vsem zviratkum se ale nepostestilo – 14 savcu a 130 ptaku behem zaplavy zemrelo a to vcetne statecneho tulene Gastrona, ktery uplaval pres 300 kilometru z Vltavy do Nemecka. Gastrona se podarilo zachranarum chytnout, ale vycerpanim a stresem  zemrel na ceste domu. Nektera zvirata musela byt take utracena, jako byl napriklad popularni 36-ti lety slon Kadir, kteremu destova ‘kaluze’ sahala vylozene az po usi a nebylo ho z ni jak zachranit (viz foto).

Celkova skoda cinila  neco kolem 5,2 milionu dolaru. Kolem 40% bylo uhrazeno pojistovnou a dalsi penize prisly od privatnich zdroju jako byly skoly, ruzne podniky a ruzne ceske rodiny. Reditel zologicke zahrady Petr Fejk se ale o tyto penize musel nekdy pekne ‘prat’. Mnoho lidi ho kritizovalo za utratu zvirat, ktera se podle jinych zdroju mohla zachranit. Dalsi zase stali na svem a tvrdili, ze chovani exotickych zvirat ve stredni Evrope je naprosto nesmyslne. Ale konec dobry, vsechno dobre a zologicka zahrada se z toho vylizala; vylizala se z toho tak dobre, ze ji prestizni casopis Forbes Traveler Magazine ji zaradil jako 15. nejlepsi zoo na svete!!! Vic si o teto skvele novince muzete precist zde (kliknete zde).

Source: http://www.gettheloop.com/readingroom/praguefloods.html

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9 comments… add one
  • Tom Blaha June 22, 2009, 7:32 am

    Think how much larger that population would be if it inlcuded some of the species that Jaroslav Hasek made up whilst editor of a children’s wildlife magazine!!!
    Schweik lives!

  • Tanja June 22, 2009, 11:31 am

    Then we would really be no. 1 Zoo in the world!! :))

  • Isa June 22, 2009, 3:26 pm

    Tom: LOL

    Tanja: Do people still bring their dogs with them to the Prague Zoo? That has always freaked me out @_@ I remember a couple years ago there was an incident with a puppy who got too close to the Eurasian wolves…

  • Iviv June 22, 2009, 4:15 pm

    They do but the protection is a lot better:)..
    I like your web by the way. Don’t have too much time to write but at least I am reading nearly everything;)..

  • Americas Best Zoos author June 22, 2009, 5:16 pm

    I (Allen Nyhuis) was actually quoted from in the above-mentioned Forbes Traveler article, so I need to make a correction. First, the Prague Zoo was NOT given the #7 ranking in the world. It was the 7th-listed zoo, listed in alphabetical order, out of 15 of the world’s very best zoos. So it’s “One of the 15 best” in the world, according to this article.

    That being said, I actually visited the Prague Zoo in late 2007 and I was blown away at how great this zoo is! It truly deserves to be mentioned among the world’s best zoos.

  • Tanja June 22, 2009, 10:50 pm

    o-oh, thank you for letting me know, I will fix it right now!
    Good luck with your book!

  • Tanja June 22, 2009, 10:52 pm

    To Isa and Iviv: I didn’t even know they let the dogs in! That is so Euro! US would never allow that..;)

  • Isa June 23, 2009, 5:19 pm

    Iviv: Thanks! 🙂 It’s modest now but hopefully much more robust soon!

    Tanja: I’m a dog person so the habit of people in Prague to take their dogs EVERYWHERE didn’t really bother me until the Zoo. @__@ I do not even understand why one would want to.

  • King Wenceslas July 1, 2009, 9:36 am

    Yes with such news, Prague started to be a friendly destination for families with children, not only for stag parties.

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