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I did it! / Neco jsem provedla…

jeans with a hole google imageI may be officially an Americanized woman now! Why? A couple of days ago I found myself ‘guilty’ while buying a pair of jeans that had a manufactured hole in them! How could I do such thing?? What would my poor grandmother say to that?? I can just see her astonished look: “What? You actually paid money for a pair of pants that look like you fished them out of a trash can?”

Yes, I admit it, I got brainwashed by the worldly fashion trends. The thing is that the ‘trashcan’ look is in style nowadays. Just list through any of the People magazines and you will find out the dirtier and more unkept someone looks the cooler marks he/she gets from the press! Say your good byes to anything that looks half-new because if you don’t, you will look like a dork. Wait a minute. Couldn’t we be more useful to the world and buy these filthy looking things off of some Third World county instead of having them made artificially in some factory in China?

By the way, I may be saved from the eternal judgment after all. The thing is that the pants were on sale and getting stuff on sale is definitely a Czech trait. So maybe the fact that they were 30% off will weigh out the horribleness of this all??

CZ: Mam podezreni, ze jsem oficialne poamerictena. Koupila jsem si totiz nedavno dziny s umele vytvorenou dirou! Co jsem to provedla?? Co by na to rekla chudak moje babicka??? Uz vidim jeji ohromeny vyraz: “Coze? Tyhle dziny jsi si koupila za penize? Vzdyt to vypada jako neco, co bys nasla v popelnici!” Ano, ano, je to pravda, nechala jsem se slepe ovlivnit nynejsim modnim trendem tak zvane ‘usmudlankyne’. Nevite, co tim terminem myslim? Jen si prolistujte par People magazinu a hned mi porozumite. Cim vic vypadaji celebrity jako ze se mesic nekoupaly a nevymenily si obleceni, tim vic je media vyzdvihuji a uctivaji jako ikony posledniho vykriku mody. Takze se rozlucte s cimkoliv, co vypada nove, protoze jestlize to tak neudelate, budete vypadat jako ten nejvetsi sprt. A nemohli bychom mimochodem trosku pomoci svetu a nakupovat tyto spinave modni polozky rovnou od chudych lidi, kteri vlastni ty ‘prave’ prodiravene kalhoty, misto toho aby nam je umele vyrabela nejaka tovarna v Cine?

Mozna, ze ale za tento skutek nakonec neskoncim v pekle. Kalhoty jsem totiz koupila se 30% slevou a jak je vseobecne znamo, kupovani zlevnenych polozek je povahovy rys cesky a ne americky.

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4 comments… add one
  • Vlastimil April 23, 2009, 10:16 am

    You can easily find these trendy jeans in those green containers labeled as “Cloths only” :))
    I found one of these nearby our Wal-mart..;-)

  • Ernest Y. April 23, 2009, 11:43 am

    Haha, I wonder what your daughter, when she grows up, will think about this. =)

  • Tanja April 23, 2009, 2:33 pm

    Oh, you mean the Goodwill boxes? I haven’t even think about that! Thanks for the tip!

    My daughter will be no doubt embarrassed for me…;)

  • Vlastimil April 23, 2009, 3:42 pm

    Today I was told by orderly citizens that those containers are for throwing in stuff, not the other way …;-)
    Well, I learn every day 🙂

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