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The Roma minority in the Czech Republic complained to Obama / Romove is stezovali americkemu presidenovi Obamovi

Romska skupina /www.ceskenoviny.cz imageThe Roma Realita association recently wrote a letter of complaint to Barack Obama himself. The representatives of the Roma minority (commonly also known as Gypsies)  in the Czech Republic raised 2 main points that they are concerned about: 1/ the expansion of nationalistic extremists and 2/ the unresolved issue of the “defamation of the Romany Holocaust in the Czech Republic”, calling it a “historical shame”. During the World War II the Czech Republic had 2 Nazi camps for the Roma people (the letter also stresses that all of the guards were Czech, not German). The Roma Realita complaints that neither site has a memorial and one of those sites is currently occupied by a pig farm. What is interesting, however, is that the new Minister of Human Rights and Ethnic Minorities, Michael Kocab, already promised to the Romanies in early January of this year that the monument/pig farm issue is on his priority list (so why to complain about this since it is being dealt with? Or is it not being dealt with?).

According to the Ceske Noviny poll, 90% of participants (total of  2,923 votes) do not think the Romanies should complaint about nacionalism  in Czech. What do you think?

CZ: Romske sdruzeni Roma Realia napsalo stiznost samotnemu Baracku Obamovi o nynejsi situaci Romu v ceske spolecnosti. Za prve se pry  v Cechach rozmaha spolceni ceskych nacionalistickych extremistu a  v druhem bode si Romove stezuji na “hanobeni romskeho holokaustu v Ceske Republice…ktera se s touto historickou ostudou dosud nevyporadala”. Za druhe svetove valky byly v Cechach totiz 2 sberne tabory pro Romy (Romove v dopise take zduraznuji, ze velitele i dozorci byli Cesi) a dnes na jednom z nich nestoji pomnik, ale veprin. Ministr pro lidska prava a mensiny Karel Kocab v  jiz v lednu tohoto roku prohlasil, ze kauza veprin-pomnik je na jeho liste priorit.

Podle ankety Ceskych Novin 90% volicu (celkem hlasovalo 2923 uzivatelu) souhlasi s tim, ze Romove duvod stezovat si na nacionalismus v Cesku nemaji. Co si myslite vy?

Source: http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/domov/zpravy/romove-si-stezuji-obamovi-na-nacionalismus-v-cesku/360218?id=360232

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2 comments… add one
  • CatalinM February 18, 2009, 5:52 am

    Ahoj Tanja, complains will be always but i want to specify a think. Do not mix Romanians with gypsies please. There is a big difference and sometimes i feel bad because people from other country’s are confusing Romanians with gypsies

  • Tanja February 18, 2009, 10:28 am

    Hi CatalinM,

    Good to hear from you!
    I am not confusing Gypsies with Romanians – I agree,those are 2 different nations.
    However, Romanies (notice I am not saying Romanians – slight different in spelling) or Roma minority are commonly known as Gypsies.

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