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“We don’t have to apologize”, says Topolanek / “My se nemusime omlouvat”, rika Topolanek

Entropa google image / representation of Bulgaria: toilet seatLet’s talk about Entropa. For those who are not familiar with that term, it is an art exhibition, which was unveiled in Brussels at the beginning of the Czech EU presidency. Basically, it is a stylised map which depicts  all of the 27  EU countries in their “characteristic” way, but to many also in a very shocking way. The artifact managed to create a diplomatic conflict with Bulgaria which is represented on the map as a squatting toilet seat(see the picture). The creator of Entropa, a well-known Czech artist David Cerny, defends himfelf by saying that he wanted to test  whether Europe was able of self-mockery. The Czech president Vaclav Klaus did appoligize to the offended countries. The PM Mirek Topolanek, who has been lately doing a wonderful job by the way, said to this: ” We should definitelly not appologize, the artist has  done so”. He also added to it: “We Czechs often make fun of ourselves, and then we do not fully understand when others do not like it if we make fun of them”.

What do you think? Should the Europeans people relax about this whole issue and take it as a part of an artistic freedom of expression or do you agree that it was good for Cerny/Klaus to apologize?

CZ: Pojdme se bavit o Entrope. Pro ty, kdo tento termin neznaji, Entropa, je to kontroverzni plastika, ktera znazornuje jednotlive staty Evropske Unie ve velmi “zvlastni” forme. Entropa, ktera v Bruselu zdobi budovu Rady EU, vyvolala nejen nadseni, ale take odpor a diplomaticky konflikt s Bulharskem, ktere David Cerny – tvurce tohoto dila – znazornil jako turecky zachod (viz. foto). Bulharsku se omluvil, ale nyni tvrdi, ze chtel proverit, jestli se Evopa umi zasmat sama sobe. Vaclav Klaus se bulharskemu presidentovi Pravanovovi omluvil osobnim dopisem, zatimco Mirek Topolanek (ktery si mimochodem vede v EU velmi dobre) se omluvit nechce: “Omlouvat se urcite nemame, omluvil se umelec,”. Take pri jednom z jeho rozhovoru rekl:”Ano, my Cesi jsme takovi. Delame si velmi casto legraci sami ze sebe, a potom uplne nechapeme, kdyz se ostatnim nelibi, kdyz si delame legraci z nich.”

Co si myslite vy? Stavite se na stranu Topolanka, ktery tento vytvor bere jako svobodu umeleckeho vyjadreni, nebo stojite za Klausem, ktery si mysli, ze omluva je na miste?

Source: http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/eu/zpravy/topolanek-cesi-se-za-entropu-omlouvat-nemusi-omluvil-se-cerny/355968

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