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Meet the Czech Jack Bauer / Poznejte ceskeho Jacka Bauera

jack bauer google imageDo you ever watch the immortal CIA agent Jack Bauer from “24”? While the show is currently on its 7th season, Jack is still entertaining millions of viewers (including those in the Czech Republic). Most people don’t know, however, that the Czechs have their OWN Jack Bauer. His name is Emil Kucera and he is a stout entomologist. Why does he resemble the qualities of Mr. Bauer? Let me give you the highlights:

About a year ago, Emil and his colleague stole couple of hundreds of bugs from the Indian National Park near Singalia. I am sure they crossed the bug law for the better cause but the Indians did not see it that way. Since Emil did not have the permission to do that he got charged with 3 (!!!) years of prison while his partner was let go. Emil did not waist time after the verdict and managed to escape from the Indian prison. Now we are finding out that it was the Czech CIA who helped him escape!

bug flickr imageEmil is home now, thank God, claiming that the bugs were taken from an area that was not part of the Indian National Forest.

CZ: Divate se nekdy na “24” a nebojacneho agenta CIA, Jacka Bauera? Tato show odvisilava v soucasne dobe jiz 7.dil a divaci po celem svete jsou do toho zazrani, jako kdyby to byl dil prvni. Vestina lidi ale netusi, ze Ceska republika ma sveho VLASTNIHO Jacka Baurera – jmenuje se Emil Kucera. Spolu se svym kolegou byl zadrzen minuly rok nedaleko Indickeho parku Singalia a mel u sebe pres 200 exemplaru vzacnych brouku a larev motylu, nikoli vsak uredni povoleni pro jejich sber (oba vedci dodnes tvrdi, ze na chranene uzemi parku vubec nevstoupili). Emil dostal nepomineny trest vezeni po dobu 3 let (!!) za tento prestupek, zatimco jeho spolupracovnik byl propusten bez trestu. Brzo po tomto rozsudku se Emilovi ale podarilo uniknout z Indickeho vezeni, a to uspesne. Co se ale dovidame dodatecne je, ze mu s utekem pomohla tajna sluzba!

Source: http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/veda_a_technika/zpravy/pri-uteku-entomologa-z-indie-pry-pomohla-tajna-sluzba/356419

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