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Czech government gave birth to 2 new political parties / V CR vznikly 2 nove politicke strany

Czech parliament in Prague/flickr imageIf you still lived in the Czech Republic you would know that the political situation there is quite messy. The Czechs trust neither the political parties, nor the president; the president seems to be living in his own isolated bubble and the prime minister is physically obusive. What a picture, right? This unhappy atmosphere is usually a great breeding ground for the formation of new political parties and in this case the situation gave birth to not 1, but to 2 of them! The fist one is called “Strana Svobodnych Obtcanu (SSO)“, or the Party of Free Citizens, and the second party is named “Liberalove (LIB)“, or the Liberals.

The SSO party opposes the EU Lisbon treaty and their main focus right now is to succeed in June Euroelections.They also want to promote low taxes, reduction of bureaucracy and a improve the environment (hmm…I think I have heard this song somewhere already..).  Among the supporters  of this Eurosceptic party are the 2  sons of president Klaus (what a surprise!) as well as some celebrities  like the famous violinist Vaclav Hudecek and a popular illustrator Adolf Born.

The LIB party pushes for formation of the United European States (?!). “Instead of behaving like a bunch of Euro-skeptics and Euro-chickens our party consists of Euro-opitimists“, said on of the LIB members. The party is definitely for the Lisbon treaty, calling it the “well-balanced compromise”

CZ: Kdyby jste stale bydleli v Czechach, asi byste vedeli, ze nynejsi politicka situace je dosti chmura. Cesi nejen ze neveri svym zastupitelcum ve vlade, ale samotny president Ceske republiky zije v jakesi izolovane, nekdy az disfunkcni, bubline (a to ani nemluvim o tom, ze premier  ma agresivni sklony). No, proste je to “malebny” obrazek :0) Jak uz to tak byva, z neporadku a nespokojenosti se vetsinou narodi novy napad nebo se zrodi nova opozice. V tomto pripade se vytvorily opozice dve.

Prvni nova politicka strana se jmenuje Strana svobodnych obcanu (SSO) a druha se naziva Liberalove (LIB). SSO nesouhlasi si Lisabonskou smlouvou, chteji snizit dane, procistit nynejsi byrokracii a soustredit se take na problemy ekologicke (myslim, ze uz jsem tuto “pisnicku” nekde slysela…). Podpurci strany jsou zname osobnosti jako je ilustrator Adolf Born, houslista Vaclav Hudecek a oba synove Vaclava Klause (to je ale prekvapeni!). Strana LIB prosazuje myslenku  Spojenych Statu Evropskych (?!) a jsou defifnitvne pro Lisabonskou smlouvu. Jeden ze stranskych clenu jejich postoj vysvetlil timto zpusobem: “Na rozdil od eurocyniku a eurozbabelcu nabizime lepsi pristup..”.





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2 comments… add one
  • ilusionismus January 22, 2009, 12:13 pm

    Ano, obe dve jsou ovsem naprosto extremisticka sdruzeni…

  • Tanja January 24, 2009, 4:58 pm

    Tak to moc pomoci asi nebudou, co myslite?
    Then they will not be much help, right?

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