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Czech Republic – the cultural superpower / Ceska republika – kulturni velmoc

EU2009.cz imageWhether the other European countries like it or not the current King of Europe – the  Czech Republic –  is about to smother them with the Czech culture in the upcoming months. Don’t believe me? As of now the Czech government has planned about 700 events (art exhibitions, movies, theatrical plays, concerts..) which will be held in Czech as well as other 90 countries. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was given about $60 million Czech crowns to make all this happen so the world should be expecting some big things! The Czech vice-premier, Alexandr Vondra, “humbly” noted to the Lidove Noviny reporter the other day: ” The Czech Republic has a reputation of a cultural superpower.  The EU presidency gives us an excellent opportunity to expand upon this common knowledge”.

For a complete schedule of these events go to the EU2009.CZ website (click here).

CZ: At se to Evrope libi nebo ne, Ceska republika se ji chysta v nastavajicich mesicich primo zavalit svymi nescetnymi tradicemi a bohatou kulturou. Neverite mi? Zatim je v kulturnim programu zahrnuto skoro 700 akci v Cechach a  dalsich 90 zemich. Maji to byt zejmena vystavy, dilmy, divadlo a koncerty. Ministerstvo zahranici obdrzelo na propagaci a kulturni projekty kolem 60 milionu korun, tak bychom jsme se nemeli nudit! Vicepremier Alexandr Vondra se pred nedavnem “skromne” sveril jednomu z novinaru: “Cesko ma reputaci kulturni velmoce. Chceme toto renome rozvijet a ceske predsednictvi k tomu skyta vybornou prilezitost.”

Kompletni kulturni program ceskeho predsednictvi muzete najit zde.


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