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Czech president’s bones on sale! / Kosti Klause na prodej!

The Czech president, Vaclav Klaus, had a hip surgery in June. Well, one Czech lawyer (out of all the professions) tried to sell president’s hip bone on Aukro (Czech-style eBay); and guess what? He got caught! But you wouldn’t guess what the Czech president’s response to this hideous act was….read about it right here (click here).

CR: Vaclav Klaus podstoupil v cervnu tohoto roku operaci kycle. Jeden Cech (pravnik!!), ale nelenil cas, a kost z Klausova boku zacal drazit na Aukru (podobne eBayi). Nejen ze si Klausovu kost nikdo nekoupil, ale take mileho pravnika chytli pri cinu. A vite, jak Klaus na cely tento humbuk odpovedel?….Odpoved se dozvite zde (kliknete zde).

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