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YouTube of Klaus on global warming / YouTube Klause a globalniho oteplovani

vaclav klaus google imageThe re-elected president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, was interviewed in March by the famous television host Glenn Beck on the issue of Global warming (see the YouTube video bellow). Whatever your conviction about this topic is, you have to admit that Klaus is pretty brave to be one of the “black sheep” and stand out against the mainstream opinion. Believe me, I do want to save the planet, but I agree with him on couple of things:

1/ there are not enough data to conclude that Global warming is caused by human activities (it may be a factor but not the main one)

2/ Global warming has become a huge political agenda which has nothing to do with the true conviction of saving the forests and conserving our natural resources.

What do you think??

CZ: Preziden Vaclav Klaus v breznu vystoupil v poradu znameho politika Genna Becka a to na tema globalniho oteplovani. Jakykoliv nazor o tomto tematu mate, musite uznat, ze je Klaus dosti statecna “cerna ovce”. Verte mi, ja osobne tu nasi planetu chci take zachranit, ale musim s Klausem souhlasit na par vecech a to:

1/ Nynejsi vyzkum nema dostek udaju, aby se mohlo rici, ze lidske cinnosti jsou hlavnim zdrojem globalniho oteplovani (muze to byt jednim z cinitelu, ale ne tim hlavnim)

2/ Globalni oteplovani se stalo obrovskou politickou agendou, ktera z vetsi casti nema absolutne nic k docineni s ochranou pralesu a konzervaci prirodnich zasob.

Co si o tom myslite vy??


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