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# of HIV-positive Czechs is on the rise / Pocet HIV positivnich Cechu vzrusta

The year 2007 brought the highest number of new HIV-infected patients – over 100 people. Even though the number is increasing every year the Czech Republic has one of the lowest number of these patients in Europe. The total number of registered HIV-infected Czechs amounts to 1020 from which 230 have developed AIDS and 130 died. The real number of HIV-positive people is supposed to amount to ten times more than what the registered number is. The leading psychologist Petr Weiss thinks that the reason why the number is still relatively small compared to the other European countries is that CR has a low number of intravenous drug users (the highest risk group).

CZ: Za tento rok pribilo v Cechach pres 100 zaregistrovanych HIV-pozitivnich pacientu. I kdyz toto cislo kazdym rokem roste, je stale jedno z nejnizsich v porovnani s dalsimi evropskymi staty. Celkove je v Ceske Republice zaregistrovano celych 1020 HIV pozitivnich pacientu, z nichz 230 ma AIDS a 130 jich zemrelo. To “opravdove” cislo HIV pozitivnich lidi ma pry byt alespon 10-krat vyssi. Znamy cesky psycholog Petr Weiss pri rozhovoru s Radiem Prahou vysvetluje, ze duvod proc jsou tato cisla stale relativne nizka v porovnani s Evropou je, ze Cechy nemaji velky pocet narkomanu, kteri si drogy pichaji.


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