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Like to write? Compete for prizes! / Rad/a pisete? Vyhrajte za to cenu!

writer yahoo imageDo you like to write, are 35 years old or younger and live abroad? To promote Czech culture abroad the magazine Cesky dialog (Czech dialogue) created a competition with a topic called “What is your relationship to the Czech language, Czech Republic, its culture, identity or its humor?” The winner will not only be showered with prizes but his story will also be printed in the Cesky dialog magazine itself. It has to be no more than 2 pages long and needs to be mailed to the following address no later than the last day of December 2007: Cesky dialog, Sokolovska 179, 190 00, Prague 9 or you can email it to strizovska@seznam.cz or m.fialkova@seznam.cz

PS: the story can be written in English or Czech

CZ: S cilem “shromazdit nazory predevsim mladsi generace krajanu na jejich vztah k cestine a ceske kulture, casopis pro krajany nazyvany “Cesky dialog” zahajuje krajanskou literarni soutez! Jestlize je vam mene nez 35 let a rad/a pisete, napiste povidku o tom, jaky je vas vztah k cestine, k Ceske republice, kulture, identite nebo k ceskemu humoru. Vitez nejen ze odbdrzi (doufejme ze lakajici) vecne ceny, ale jeho povidka bude take vytisknuta v samotnem casopise Cesky dialog. Povidka, maximalne 2 strany dlouha, musi byt odevzdana do konce prosince 2007 na adresu: Cesky dialog, Sokolovska 179, 190 00 Praha 9 anebo ji muzete poslat na emailovou adresu strizovska@seznam.cz nebo m.fialkova@centrum.cz.

PS: Povidka muze byt napsana v cestine nebo anglictine

Source: http://krajane.radio.cz/cs/article_detail/1085

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