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Ivana Trump: 4-times the Charm / Ivana Trumpova se jiz po ctvte vdava

Ivana Trumpova/www.ceskenoviny.cz A former beauty of a Czech descent is getting married for the fourth time! The 58-year old, today already a grandma, Ivana Trump (Zelnickova is her maiden name), is tying the knot with a 36-year old Italian model Rossan Rubicondi. Ivana was born and raised in Zlin, Czech Republic. She became known all over the United States when she married an American millionaire and a businessman Donald Trump. Together they had three children: Ivanka, Donald and Eric. The Cesky a Slovensky Svet magazine (Czech and Slovak World) calls her the second most famous Czech American of all times after Martina Navratilova (I am not sure if I agree with that…). Ivana Zelnickova was born in Zlin in 1949. Ever since she was a young girl she loved to do sports, especially skying and swimming, which led her to enter the Charles University of Physical Education in Prague. There she also met her first husband, an Austrian skier Alfred Qinklmayer. Ivana doesn’t make secret of the fact that she married him just to get out of the country. She filed for a divorce after two years of marriage and moved to Montreal, where she continued in her modeling career. And it was one of those modeling jobs that took her to New York in 1976 where she also met her “prince on a white horse” (also her future sugar-daddy) – Donald Trump. After 9 months of dating the two of them got married and after 13 years of marriage the two of them got also divorced. Ivana didn’t walk away quite empty-handed from that marriage though: she got $10 million in cash, a $12 million house in Connecticut, $4 million housing allowance and a $100,000-a-year child support. After this breakup Ivana started building her own business with clothing, jewelry and perfumes. She has also been teaching management courses and writing romantic novels where the heroines are “ladies from higher social circles”. Since the 1980’s Ivana has also been an enthusiastic spokeswomen for plastic surgery! She first “went under the knife” after she found out that her husband had been cheating on her with someone who was 10 years younger than her. She said she wanted to prove that she could look as good as her husband’s lover. Today her addiction brings her back to the plastic surgeon’s office – for a “tune-up” – on a yearly basis. And what advice has this millionaire to her fellow women? “Money alone does not bring you happiness, but they are needed in life.” Well, good luck in your new marriage!

CZ: Nekdejsi krasavice ceskeho puvodu se opet vdava! 58-mi leta, dnes jiz babicka, Ivana Trumpova (rozena Ivana Zelnickova), puvodem ze Zlina, si bere o dvacet-dva let mladsiho italskeho modela Rossana Rubicondiho. Ivana Trumpova je znama po celych Spojenych Statech zejmena diky jejimu 13-ti letemu manzelstvi s milionarem a podnikatelem Donaldem Trumpem. S Trumpem ma tri deti: Ivanku, Donalda a Erika. Magazin Cesky a Slovenksy Svet ji oznacuje po Martine Navratilove, jako druhou nejznamejsi cechoamericanku vsech dob. Ivana se narodila roku 1949 ve Zline. Jiz od utleho mladi rada sportovala (zejmena lyzovani a plavani), coz ji pozdeji imponovalo vystudovat Fakultu telesne vychovy a sportu na Karlove Universite. Tam se take seznamila s rakouskym lyzarem Alfredem Qinklmayerem, za ktereho se pozdeji provdala. Ivana se netaji tim, ze to byl “snatek z rozumu” a ze se tim tak chtela dostat do Zapadni Evropy. Po dvou letech manzelstvi se rozvedla a prestehovala se do Montrealu, kde take porkracovala svou modelovskou karieru. V roce 1976 ji take tato modelovska kariera zavedla na osudny vecirek do New Yorku, kde potkala “prince na bilem koni” – Donalda Trumpa. Po 9-ti mesicich se konala svatba a 13 let pote se konal rozvod. Z Donalda vysoudila 10 milionu dolaru, 12 milion dolarovou vilu v Konektikatu, $4 milionove “housing allowance”, a $100 000 rocne jako pridavek na deti. Po rozchodu s Trumpem si Ivana zacala budovat svuj vlastni byznys s oblecenim, sperky, parfemy,….take prednasi managment a pise romanticke novely. Motivem knih jsou pribehy “dam z lepsi spolecnosti”. Od konce 80. let je Ivana take velkou propagatorkou plasticke chirurgie. Pry s tim zacala, aby dokazala, ze se vzhledem muze vyrovnat manzelove o 10 let mladsi milence. Dnes si pry obnovuje svuj oblicej pro jistotu kazdorocne. A co tato milionarka radi zenam dnesni doby? “Penize samy o sobe neprinaseji stesti, i kdyz jsou potreba.” 🙂 Tak hodne stesti v novem manzelstvi!




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